„Cea mai interesantă descoperire Cromwell dintr-o generație – dacă nu mai mult.” – Dr Tracy Borman
Se crede că această carte este singura carte Tudor care a supraviețuit până în ziua de azi și prima dată când cartea a fost împumutata de Trinity College de când a fost primită la 10 august 1660.
Asistenta curatoare la Castelul Hever, Kate McCaffrey, a făcut legătura că Catherine of Aragon și Anne Boleyn, care aveau copii ale aceleiași cărți de rugăciuni. Apoi a descoperit o a treia copie a Cărții din 1527, care fusese donată Cambridgeului în 1660 și a luat întreaga echipa curatorială de la Hever să o vadă.
Curatorul castelului Hever, Alison Palmer, a recunoscut montura cu bijuterii, argint aurit, a cărții din faimosul portret al lui Thomas Cromwell pictat de Hans Holbein cel Tânăr (1497/8-1543) în 1532-1533, care se află la muzeul The Frick Collection, New York.
Hever Castle & Gardens

Hever Castle’s Curator, Alison Palmer, recognised the bejewelled, silver gilt binding of the book from the famous portrait of Thomas Cromwell which until now, had not been known to be owned by Thomas Cromwell.
This is the first time that historians have made a link between Catherine, Anne, and Cromwell regarding their prayer books as they al

Hever Castle’s Curator, Alison Palmer, recognised the bejewelled, silver gilt binding of the book from the famous portrait of Thomas Cromwell which until now, had not been known to be owned by Thomas Cromwell.
This is the first time that historians have made a link between Catherine, Anne, and Cromwell regarding their prayer books as they al

Hever Castle’s Curator, Alison Palmer, recognised the bejewelled, silver gilt binding of the book from the famous portrait of Thomas Cromwell which until now, had not been known to be owned by Thomas Cromwell.
This is the first time that historians have made a link between Catherine, Anne, and Cromwell regarding their prayer books as they al

Hever Castle’s Curator, Alison Palmer, recognised the bejewelled, silver gilt binding of the book from the famous portrait of Thomas Cromwell which until now, had not been known to be owned by Thomas Cromwell.
This is the first time that historians have made a link between Catherine, Anne, and Cromwell regarding their prayer books as they al